The proposal was epic (or not…but still, the ring is on, right?) It’s SUCH an amazing feeling, whether you were standing under a waterfall or fixing a dripping tap, a proposal is wonderful! So…from me to you…congratulations!

But now what?
Relax and enjoy it for a while…
Firstly, don’t rush into anything! Take a beat and just enjoy being engaged for a while. Obviously, your first instinct might be to yell it from the rooftops, and that would be my instinct too! So, go ahead…tell the world your wonderful news, accept the love that you receive when you do, and then…just kick back until you are BOTH ready to start planning!
When you’re ready…get organised! This might sound like the obvious thing to say, but really…get organised!
How you do this will depend on the type of people you are. For me, it would mean a folder, a notebook, and LOTS of lists! You might be more ‘digitally literate’ than me though, and prefer an online organiser (I’m trying to be this cool, but I’m definitely a ‘work in progress’ where tech is concerned 😊) Whatever system you adopt, ensure that everything is kept in one place – there is nothing more frustrating than mislaying an important phone number or contract!

The fun begins!
Choosing your ‘mood’…
You’ve told your nearest and dearest, bought a sparkly new folder (and a fancy pen!), hit Pinterest and Instagram like there’s no tomorrow, and swooned over dresses online until you’ve literally run out of pages to load! But let’s go back to the ‘get organised’ section and start to prioritise. You need a to think about exactly what type of wedding you want, then find a venue that matches your theme, and settle on a date – and preferably the planets are aligned, so you get your preferred date at your preferred venue!
Your wedding style is very important when choosing a venue, so do make sure you know exactly what you want, before you start trekking around the county looking at every single wedding venue you have found on Google! Small and intimate? You could probably rule out Blackpool Ball Room! A formal, black-tie event? Rural, rustic barns can be ruled out! Start with a mood board and go from there. Pin the things that make your heart flutter, colours, flowers, table décor and settings. You will soon start to see your theme emerge, even if you began with no real idea of what you wanted. Once you’ve started to build your board, event planners and other suppliers will be clearer as to what you want, and you’ll get more accurate quotes.
The Ceremony!
Church, Register Office, hotel, field, forest?
You really do have options…
It’s YOUR day, so do it YOUR way! Where do you envisage yourself saying, ‘I do’?
If you have always wanted to get married by the side of the river that you walked along on your first date – then you can! The more traditional ceremonies (Church/Register Office) are of course where many couples begin (and end!) their search into ‘where’, but don’t rule out being more ‘you’ when making this decision. Chat with local Independent Celebrants and find out more about doing something a little bit different. A celebrant is not limited to location, time, or theme, and will be very flexible. You will also get a truly unique ceremony that will be ALL about YOU. There is no ‘cookie cutter template’ here.

Time – to make lists!
Or…’the things I wished I’d known before I agreed to this…’😊
We are back to ‘organisation’ again! Lists are your friend here…lists and time! Even the most laid-back wedding will take some time to plan if you want it to go without a hitch (pun intended). In my experience, one half of the couple is usually much more ‘into’ the planning side than the other – but it is important that you are both involved so that you both get the day that you are dreaming of. Make your list of ‘things we need to do by…’ and split the tasks. Have deadlines and check in with each other regularly to see where you are at. Make sure that there are some things on the list that you are doing together, such as looking at venues and chatting with your photographer or celebrant.
TOP TIP: Take a break when it becomes all consuming – whilst it does need doing, it shouldn’t be at the expense of each other.

Your preferred vendors and suppliers will be busy…delaying booking might mean you lose out…
So, once you’ve decided ‘they’re the ones’, tell them, send a deposit, fill out the booking forms!
You will know when you have found the right venue, the perfect photographer and the celebrant who ‘gets you as a couple’ – you will feel an emotional connection to them, a ‘pull’ that means this place is ‘our place’, this person is ‘our person’. Don’t let them get away!
Remember, people will not remember the finer details of the day, but they will remember how they felt when they were there – when you are meeting potential suppliers, think about how they made you feel.

There is obviously a whole STACK of things that will need your attention after these ‘first details’ have been booked. You can always head over to my blog page to read more about wedding planning, or better still, book a free, no obligation Discovery Zoom. I’m always here to answer any questions and offer support on your wedding journey.